
Hometown of Santa Claus: Demre

Hometown of Santa Claus: Demre

Hometown of Santa Claus: Demre

Hometown of Santa Claus: Demre

Whenever Antalya is mentioned, Alanya, Kaş, and Kemer come to mind first. Of course, we will not deny the beauty of these wonderful destinations. But Antalya has such a beauty that it is hardly visible. Yes, we are talking about Demre. With its natural beauties, unique atmosphere, and deep blue sea, Demre is one of the must-see special spots of Antalya. Let's learn more about Demre together.

St. Nicholas

Did you know that the hometown of the figure known as Santa Claus in the western world is Demre? Even if you didn't know, you might have noticed when you read our title. Saint Nicholas, aka Santa Claus, who is considered one of the important saints of the Christian world, was born in the place known today as Demre. This is an important factor that puts Demre at the center of visitors from all over the world.

A Bridge to History

The Ancient City of Myra, which was formerly the capital of Lycia and is now located within the Demre district, was an ancient Lycian city that retained its prominence throughout the Middle Ages. The city grew downwards overtime after it was founded on the hill above the rock tombs. St. Nicholas Church is one of the city's most well-known structures. Theaters and rock tombs are the only remnants in the Myra Ancient City that have survived to this day. On both sides of the city, there are rock tombs. The theater, in particular, has a striking aesthetic.


Kalekoy is located in Demre's Uçagiz Village. It is like heaven on earth with Caretta Carettas, its gorgeous landscape, the sarcophagi inherited from the Lycian civilization, and Simena Castle. You can rent a small boat to get to Kalekoy, also known as Simena Ancient City. Kalekoy is a must-see destination for blue cruises departing from the Mediterranean. The view from the castle, which you will ascend through stone steps, is breathtaking.

Demre Bird Paradise

Demre Bird Paradise, which covers 100 hectares, is home to a variety of bird species that blend in beautifully with nature. This bird sanctuary is one of many tourists' favorite locations because of its proximity to the resort region.